二设备、器具类:二类:6821医用电子仪器设备,6823-6医用超声仪器及有关设备,6826物理治疗及康复设备,6854-8手术室、急救室、诊疗室设备及器具,6856-2病房护理设备及器具 (三)医用材料类:二类:6864-2医用卫生材料及敷料。
(四)体外诊断试剂类:二类:6840体外诊断试剂(血、尿、便检测试纸 医疗器械经营许可证,流程条件,1V1讲解 广告 申请各类医疗,食品,建筑,危化品许可证,
(五)一次性使用无菌医疗器械类:三类:6815注射穿刺器械 第三章 核发、换发、变更《医疗器械经营企业许可证》的程序 第八条申请《医疗器械经营企业许可证》应提交以下材料:(一)开办申请内容包括:拟办企业名称、拟办企业注册地址及面积、仓库地址及面积、质量管理人员配备情况、拟经营医疗器械范围等。
How to handle the business license of class III medical devices
1. The business license of Class III medical devices is handled as follows:
(1) The applicant shall submit the application materials to the relevant departments;
(2) Relevant departments shall accept the application of the applicant;
(3) Investigate the actual site and audit the products;
(4) Grant the issuance of a class III medical device license.
Three kinds of medical devices as the highest risk in the medical device classification category, strictly by the supervision and management, but for many families of three kinds of medical devices, many basic problems is not fully grasp, today we will take a look, what are three business scope of medical devices? How to apply for the three types of medical equipment business license
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