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第三十一条:从事第三类医疗器械经营的,经营企业应当向所在地设区的市级人民政府食品药品监督管理部门申请经营许可并提交其符合本条例第二十九条规定条件的证明资料。 受理经营许可申请的食品药品监督管理部门应当自受理之日起30个工作日内进行审查,必要时组织核查。对符合规定条件的,准予许可并发给医疗器械经营许可证;对不符合规定条件的,不予许可并书面说明理由。 医疗器械经营许可证有效期为5年。有效期届满需要延续的,依照有关行政许可的法律规定办理延续手续。

1. What is a medical device? Beijing wants to understand the enterprises to see here Medical device: refers to instruments, equipment, appliances, materials or other articles used individually or in combination, including required software; their function on the surface of the body is not obtained by pharmacological, immunology or metabolic means, but may participate and play a certain auxiliary role. 2. How many categories are medical devices divided into? There are three categories: The operation of the first type of medical devices does 

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